TOC (Table of Contents) · Installation and Run  


To unlock all features of your license, you should activate a copy of the software the first time you run it on new/modified hardware or after entering your license key.

Please comply with the license terms, otherwise activation may be rejected. You can obtain an updated license key and manage your license in your DMDE account (restore login).

Online Activation

Push the button Online Activation (Internet access is necessary, not available in DOS). Upon successful connection to the server, the activation code will be received automatically and saved to dmde.ini.

Manual Activation

If Online activation is not available you can manually obtain and enter the activation code.
1. Launch the software on the computer where it will be used. Select Manual Activation and write out your Prod.ID and Inst.ID codes (or save them to the file dmdeinst.dat).
2. Open the activation site or on any device and enter your Prod.ID and Inst.ID codes (or upload the file dmdeinst.dat). An activation code will be generated for you. Save it to a local file (acode.txt)
3. Return to the launched software and open the saved file acode.txt to complete the activation.

Activation Types (Professional Edition)

Stationary Activation

Stationary Activation associates the software use with a specific computer: select Stationary activation (click or hit [Space bar]) and use Online or Manual Activation.

Portable Activation (Portable Use)

Portable Activation associates the software use with a removable USB flash drive that allows using on different computers without Internet access. Available in Windows (2K and higher), Linux, and macOS.

Portable Activation - Initial Association with a Device

1. Select Portable activation and specify the removable device for association. The device must always report the same correct serial number (12 or more digits and capital Latin letters). It is recommended to use flash drives from Kingston and SanDisk as they are among the most compatible.
2. Use Online or Manual Activation to complete the association (will be stored to dmde.ini).

Portable Activation - Further Use on Different Computers

Attach the device to a computer, launch the software, and select the device if necessary.

One-time Activation

It is designed to run the software once on a client computer when portable activation is not possible (for example, for remote use).

For one-time activation, obtain your Client Key and one-time passwords in your DMDE account (restore login) to enter them on the client's remote computer